Complementary and alternative medicine

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) applies healing touch, nutrition, and natural remedies to treat and prevent disease. CAM treats and ultimately heals an ailing body. Many CAM therapies have been around for centuries.

Homeopathy is an alternative medicine. Homeopathy is a gentle, healing practice that stimulates the body’s own curative powers. This 250-year-old system of healing has proved effective for a variety of health concerns.

Homeopathy is an alternative therapeutic practice.

While conventional medicine has great ability to diagnose disease, medicate symptoms, and save lives, there is a gap between the conventional approach to healing and the daily maintenance of health that leaves people without a way to actually improve their health. Symptoms and diseases that would otherwise be medicated or surgically removed go away with the classical homeopathic approaches to restore physiology and enhance overall health.

A classical homeopath follows symptoms and uses remedies, diet, and lifestyle to steer the body towards better health in the treatment of patients of all ages. Simple remedies, diet, and lifestyle changes include medicinal foods, nutritional support, homeopathic remedies, and a mind-body approach.

Homeopathy history

Classical Homeopathy was founded by Samuel Hahnemann, MD (1755-1843), a German physician, about 250 years ago. Dr. Hahnemann is a forefather of many of the alternative therapeutic practices of today including hygiene, nutrition, exercise, bed rest, and energy healing.

Dr. Hahnemann became disheartened with the dehumanizing medical treatment of his time and began to experiment with natural substances by testing their effects on healthy bodies, including his own.

Dr. Hahnemann, a German physician, became disheartened with the dehumanizing medical treatment of his time

For example, Dr. Hahnemann treated malaria patients with Quinine, a naturally occurring compound sourced from cinchona bark. He arrived at his treatment from observing the symptoms produced by Quinine on the healthy body. Quinine induced intermittent fever in the healthy body which is the main symptom in patients infected by malaria. He asserted the theory that “likes cure likes”; that is, diseases are cured by those natural substances that produce in healthy people symptoms similar to those presenting in the dis-eased person.

The Hahnemann “likes cure likes” principle is the mechanism by which diseases are cured. Diseases are cured by those natural substances that produce in healthy people symptoms similar to those presenting in the dis-eased person.

Symptoms are part of a body’s attempt to defend and heal itself. This law of cure has been verified by millions of homoeopaths all over the world since the time of Hahnemann. This is a true scientific experiment of testing substances on healthy individuals. This validation process became known as a “proving”.

Dr. Hahnemann further proved that only a very minute dose of a substance is needed to stimulate a healing response as it serves as a potent catalyst to the human defense system.


The Hahnemann “likes cure likes” principle is the mechanism by which diseases are cured. Diseases are cured by those natural substances that produce in healthy people symptoms similar to those presenting in the dis-eased person. These substances are called remedies. A minute dose of remedy is sufficient to stimulate a healing response, it serves as a potent catalyst to the bodies defense system. Following these principles, a classical homeopath treats disease without defining the disease.

The body has a vital force, and the body inherently strives to return itself to balance. The remedy supports the bodies defense mechanism and retunes its vital force with the aim of bringing health back into balance.

Symptoms are part of the body’s efforts to defend and heal itself. Symptoms reveal the bodies effort to reset the vital force. Homeopathic practitioners interpret symptoms as the bodies response to dis-ease. A classical homeopath follows symptoms until health is restored one remedy at a time.


Homeopathy uses safe, nontoxic doses of natural substances to stimulate your body to heal itself. These remedies support the bodies natural ecosystem.

Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances and minerals, animals and plants. All homeopathic remedies on the market have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Homeopathic remedies are regulated by the FDA and manufactured according to stringent standards.

By contrast, ongoing doses of natural or synthetic medicines can become toxic to the human body as these medicines seek to overpower the “disease”.

Michelle is a certified classical homeopath

You need a homeopath to choose the remedy and dose. You need a classical homeopath to follow your symptoms as they evolve on your journey to wellness.

To facilitate your healing, Michelle collaborates with your current health providers including medical doctors (MD), chiropractors, herbalists, doctors of osteopathic medicine (DO), and naturopathic doctors (ND).